Compression Therapy

Feel the squeeze to help you recharge.

Compression Therapy

Compression therapy is a therapeutic treatment that uses controlled pressure to improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and enhance overall circulation in the body. This therapy is widely used for managing conditions such as lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). By applying gentle, consistent pressure to the limbs, compression therapy helps to prevent the pooling of blood and fluids, reducing the risk of blood clots and promoting faster recovery from injuries or surgeries. Athletes often use compression therapy to enhance muscle recovery, reduce soreness, and improve performance by increasing oxygen delivery to the muscles. This non-invasive, drug-free treatment is also beneficial for those who spend long periods sitting or standing, as it helps to alleviate symptoms like leg fatigue, varicose veins, and swelling. Compression therapy is a safe and effective way to improve vascular health, enhance mobility, and support overall wellness.


1. Improved Blood Circulation. Promotes better circulation, which helps to reduce swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet, particularly in conditions like lymphedema.

2. Prevents and Manages Varicose Veins. Helps by improving blood flow and reducing pressure on veins. Eases symptoms such as aching, heaviness, and swelling in the legs.

3. Supports Recovery from Surgery and Injury. Faster recovery by improving circulation, reducing swelling, and enhancing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Reduces the risk of post-surgical blood clots by maintaining healthy blood flow.

4. Enhances Athletic Performance and Recovery. Decreases muscle fatigue and soreness after intense physical activity by improving circulation and flushing out metabolic waste. Increases oxygen delivery to the muscles, which can enhance athletic performance and endurance.

5. Relieves Leg Fatigue. Provides relief from leg fatigue, especially for people who stand or sit for long periods, such as travelers, office workers, and healthcare professionals. Helps maintain comfort and mobility by reducing the sensation of heavy or tired legs.

6. Manages Lymphedema. Effectively manages and reduces swelling associated with lymphedema by encouraging lymphatic drainage.

7. Supports Vascular Health. Supports overall vascular health by promoting optimal blood flow and reducing pressure on the veins.

8. Convenience and Ease of Use. Portable compression garments are easy to use making it a convenient option for ongoing treatment. We also offer a Rental Program.


Can compression therapy prevent blood clots? A. Compression therapy can help reduce the risk of blood clots, particularly after surgery.

Are there any side effects of compression therapy? A. Side effects are rare but may include skin irritation or restricted blood flow if the garment is too tight.

Can pregnant women use compression therapy? A. Yes, compression therapy can be beneficial during pregnancy to reduce swelling and alleviate leg discomfort. However, it's important to consult with your doctor for personalized advice.

Is compression therapy covered by insurance? A. We do accept HSA & FSA We also out of network for BCBS. We do not file insurance. .